Attractene Transfection Reag基因转染试剂4x1ml
描述:用于高效地进行DNA转染和DNA-siRNA/miRNA共转染。试剂盒包含 - Attractene转染试剂,可进行2640次 24孔微盘转染的剂量。优点 - 可高效地进行细胞毒性极低的DNA转染。
riboFECT™ CP转染试剂
riboFECT™ CP转染试剂是一种专门用于核酸分子的转染试剂,极具生物相容性,转染效率高,细胞毒性小,适合各种核酸分子(如siRNA、miRNA、质粒)的转染实验。
Insect GeneJuice 转染试剂
Insect GeneJuice<TMSYMBOL></TMSYMBOL> Transfection Reagent is a proprietary liposome formulation optimized for maximal transfection efficiency of Sf9 insect cells. The reagent features extremely low t
amaxa nucleofector转染试剂盒
amaxa nucleofector转染试剂盒是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理amaxa nucleofector转染试剂盒
PEI MAX - 转染级线性聚乙烯亚胺盐酸盐 (MW 40,000)
Polyethylenimine “Max” (PEI MAX) is a powerful, trusted, and cost-effective reagent widely considered as a current gold standard for both in vitro and in vivo transfection. PEI MAX has a high densit
TurboFect Transfection Reagent
Thermo Scientific TurboFect Transfection Reagent is a highly efficient, easy-to-use, non-immunogenic transfection reagent for delivery of DNA plasmids and expression vectors into eukaryotic cells.
X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent
X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent is a multi-component reagent that forms a complex with DNA , then transports the complex into animal or insect cells.
FuGENE® HD 转染试剂
FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent(FuGENE® HD 转染试剂)是一种新型的非脂质体制剂,用于将DNA 转染到多种细胞系中,高效低毒。该系列产品从即日起-2012年底降价促销!
293fectin 转染试剂
293fectin Transfection Reagent is a proprietary, cationic lipid-based formulation for transfecting DNA into eukaryotic cells. This reagent is optimized for transfecting suspension 293 human embryonic